male or female, she doesn't really care.
she's also not nit-picky about class, though
for once, a higher class than hooker would
be nice... there's been a slew of those recently.Eden; quite a strange name for a demon.
Oh, well. Who do we think we are to pick
our own names, eh? Eden is rather quiet.
She doesn't understand much about human
emotions, though she understands humans
quite well. She hates drunks and bitchy people,
and frankly, if you're gonna annoy her, it's
probably in your better interests to just
back up. Unless you're a demon, that is.
Nothing like a little playful banter.
Haha... Mainly her contract
and their family will go
here. You'd be lucky to get
in here if she's not eating
your soul or stuck near you
every day.
Shinigami, you'll go here.
She's particularly predijuced
against ya'll, for apparently
no reason. If you whine, you'll
be here too, or if you hurt her
contract and somehow get
away alive.
Haha. This has to be a demon.
No one else is good enough.
And, fyi, she's straight as a
line, so it's gotta be a male
demon. She has nothing
against flings, though...
Acquainted parties go here!
Pretty much a bunch of people.
this plotting sheet was made by z'bucket on caution,
also known as nova. the text graphic idea came from
graphics i've seen. lyric credit goes to fictionunction
yuuka. i put the lyrics in both english and romanticized
japanese. please don't steal because i worked hard on
it and i'll send my army of evil sporks after you.